One of the best aspects of many treatments available at a facial aesthetics clinic, such as dermal fillers or cosmetic injections is that most treatments do not take very long and whilst they take a while to take effect, you do not need to take much time away from your day.

For example, Botox injections can take as little as ten minutes, depending on the complexity of the procedure and not counting the initial consultation, and they have almost no recovery time, with many people getting Botox during a lunch break and returning to work.

As long as you follow the following top tips on what to do before your first injection appointment, you can enjoy smoother skin and less noticeable wrinkles.


Cleanse Your Skin

Regularly cleansing and cleaning your skin should be a regular part of your skin routine regardless, but it is especially important, as the warm water and cleanser will help to remove any trace of makeup and minimise the risk of infection.

Before your treatment, your aesthetics provider will cleanse any injection areas with antiseptic, so you are safe during the procedure.


Avoid Blood Thinners

A common side effect of many facial aesthetics treatments is bruising of the skin, which whilst temporary can hide the treatment’s effects. 

The best way to stop this is to stop taking medications that thin your blood, such as vitamin E, Aspirin and Ibuprofen, for at least a week before your appointment.

As well as this, stop smoking and avoid drinking alcohol for a few days before and after your treatment for the same reason


Free Your Schedule

Specifically, do not organise a day of skin treatments such as chemical peels, laser skin treatments or dermarolling, as your skin needs at least a day or two to heal and avoid unnecessary bruising.

Also, try to avoid rubbing your skin for the first three days.