Near the end of the year, people start to think about goals, both the ones they set for themselves at the start of this year and the ones they hope to achieve by the end of the next.

Usually, this involves professional, fitness or personal matters, but is it perhaps time to start setting skincare goals to push you towards healthier skin and the boost that always provides?

It is important to differentiate between a skincare goal and the more universal aspects of keeping skin healthy, such as understanding your skin type, establishing a basic routine and finding a basic set of products that work for you, a skincare goal is more focused and personal.

Arguably anyone with a skincare routine already has a skincare goal, which is to have and maintain healthy skin, both for health reasons and to maintain a healthy glow, and if that is the sole goal then a facial aesthetics clinic can help with this as well.

However, skincare goals, like other goals in life, should be specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable and time-sensitive, also known as the SMART approach to goal-setting.

This could be, for example, having clearer skin mostly free of acne and dermatitis, for which the solution could involve exfoliation, chemical peels and microdermabrasion, depending on the person’s skin type and other goals.

Firmer, more supple skin could involve vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and fillers, to help people build up collagen and maintain the skin they love.

If someone wants to reduce crow’s feet, fine lines, wrinkles or other signs of ageing, then injectable aesthetic treatments such as Botox may be the right treatment.

Having a skincare goal in mind means that it is easier to explain to skin experts what you hope to achieve with treatments, and helps them to advise you on the daily routine you may need to achieve that goal.