Teeth whitening can be done in many ways and is a great way to brighten your smile however you may be worried that the results won’t last. Luckily, with proper maintenance and care your teeth can stay shiny and white for as long as possible!

It is recommended that you have your teeth whitened professionally for the best results. While at-home whitening does work, it can often leave your teeth overly sensitive and can sometimes cause them to look patchy or uneven.

Professional whitening also produces much more long-lasting results and can give you faster, brighter results than strips and gels which are used at home.

In order to keep your teeth as bright as possible after having a whitening treatment, there are several steps you can take to avoid staining and discolouration.

Firstly, ensure you are brushing your teeth regularly and well. This helps to keep your teeth clean and removes any build-up and stains before they have a chance to settle in. It is recommended that you brush your teeth at least twice a day, however, brushing after every meal is even better.

Using a whitening toothpaste may also help with maintaining and keeping your smile whiter for longer.

You may wish to avoid drinking tea or coffee as they can contribute heavily to staining. It is okay to drink these occasionally, however, drinking them daily can cause your teeth to yellow over time.

Alternatively, you could brush your teeth after drinking them in order to minimise staining and to keep your teeth clean and healthy.

Other foods and drinks that may affect your teeth include anything which is very acidic. This includes fruit juices, fruits such as orange and tomato-based sauces. Not only can these cause staining, but the acid can also weaken your tooth enamel.

One way to minimise this is to use straws when drinking acidic drinks which can help to prevent them from coming into contact with your teeth directly.


For teeth whitening in Wheathampstead, contact Dr Prasanta K Banerjee today!