Anti-wrinkle injections have become one of the most popular aesthetic treatments over the last decade or so, helping men and women turn the clock back and achieve younger-looking skin. 

So, if you’re planning to have some Botox this year, what can you expect your recovery to look like?

Like any cosmetic procedure, the better you look after yourself afterwards, the more effective it will be and the longer it will last.

The great thing about Botox is the quick procedure doesn’t require lots of downtime. As no anaesthetic is used, people can carry on with most of their normal tasks straight away, meaning you can fit this treatment into a lunchtime and be back at work in the afternoon without anyone knowing. 

If there is something that is best avoided, it is exercise. Healthline recommends waiting at least 24 hours to break a sweat, as increased blood flow could result in the toxin spreading to other areas. This means the result will not be as effective in the desired area. 

It is also a good idea to go make-up free if you can, as any vigorous rubbing of the skin could also encourage the toxin to disperse. 

Indeed, the NHS suggests not rubbing your face for up to four days, and avoiding sunbathing and the sauna for a couple of days. Do not put any physical pressure on the area and try to maintain a normal heart rate by relaxing. 

Don’t get too comfy in bed, however, as too much lying down could spread the toxin to other areas of the body and encourage bruising. 

If you want to defy the ageing process this year, give our experts a call to enquire about Botox in St Albans and find out more about the procedure and aftercare.