Nobody likes to see signs of ageing when they look in the mirror, but the good news is there are plenty of cosmetic treatments available these days that can stop the clock, from wrinkle relaxing injections to dermal fillers. 

Another procedure you could opt for if you want to look younger is a skin peel facial treatment.

These work by applying an active solution to the skin that removes dead skin cells. In effect, it causes the top layer of skin to ‘peel’ off. 

It also stimulates the growth of new skin cells and exposes the undamaged skin underneath. 

Therefore, by the end of the procedure, your face will have a much smoother, healthier appearance. It will also have an even tone, fewer age spots and wrinkles will have reduced. 

Skin peels do not just make people look younger, but they can help those who are conscious of their scarring, acne or sun damage. 

Essentially, having a chemical peel produces a new glowing appearance, as any clogged or scarred cells will have been removed. 

They vary in intensity depending on what the customer wants to achieve with the procedure. 

The deeper peels, which tackle problems of scarring, last longer, and there will be redness and discomfort for a few days after the treatment. Redness can even last for up to three months, while there could be swelling for two weeks.

However, the more mild, superficial ones that involve skin cells from the top layer of skin being removed are much quicker. 

These procedures, which are intended to simply make you look younger, also have a short recovery time, with skin feeling tight for just a couple of hours afterwards. They do have to be repeated though to maintain their effects.