Teeth whitening treatments can remove unsightly stains and give you a brighter smile, so you would not want to do anything to reduce the impact of the procedure. 

That is why it is good to know what foods and drinks you should avoid if you want to keep your teeth as white as possible.


Turmeric lattes

The intense yellow colour of the turmeric root can brighten up a whole host of dishes, including the increasingly popular turmeric latte

However, there is also the risk that it could stain your teeth just as much as it does its fellow ingredients. 

It is also worse for those who have had teeth whitening treatment, as teeth can become more sensitive to staining immediately afterwards. 


Tomato-based meals

For the same reason, it is best to avoid tomato-based dishes straight after teeth whitening in Wheat Hampstead, as the deep red colour can darken your smile. 

So ditch spaghetti bolognese, pizzas, tomato juice and curries until around 72 hours have passed to keep your smile white and bright. 



Although berries are incredibly healthy, eating lots of them can result in teeth staining. 

According to Bupa, they are best eaten in moderation to avoid teeth discolouration. 


Soy sauce

Another culprit many people might not know about is soy sauce, with the health insurance company saying: “The dark colouring of soy may linger on your teeth long after your meal’s finished.”