If there is something that ages a person the most it is dry, lifeless skin. So could the hottest ingredient in skincare products – hyaluronic acid – be the answer to flawless skin that makes you look younger than your years?

The reason why hyaluronic acid has become incredibly popular is because it is a water-binding molecule that is found naturally in the skin. 

However, its level declines as we age, so by using products with this ingredient, it creates the same conditions as a younger person’s skin would have naturally. This includes holding on to water molecules, which plumps out the skin and keeps it looking hydrated.

As a result, it can reduce the appearance of wrinkles by evening out these fine lines. It also helps to fill out areas of the face, as volume loss is a typical symptom of ageing. 

To get the most out of hyaluronic acid, it is advisable to use it on slightly damp skin after cleansing, both morning and night. 

While these products are getting lots of interest on TikTok and YouTube, it remains to be seen whether they can actually make people look years younger. 

A safer bet would be to opt for dermal fillers or wrinkle relaxing injections in Wheat Hampstead. The former works by plumping out lines, particularly around the mouth and chin, and adding natural-looking volume to the face. 

The latter is another treatment that relaxes facial muscles to create the illusion of wrinkle-free skin.