The majority of us assume wrinkles are a sign of ageing, an outward physical representation of time ticking by and our skin losing the elasticity and glow of youth. However, a recent study has suggested wrinkled skin can actually be the cause of ageing. 

According to the University of Coimbra in Portugal, aged skin is not as good as young skin at protecting our health. 

As the largest organ in the body, it “protects all your other organs from the external environment”, BDA claims. The older, more weathered, wrinkled and less elastic it becomes, the less it can cope with everyday toxins. 

Therefore, it is not just a case of trying to avoid, or iron out existing, wrinkles to look younger, but also to keep the body feeling younger for longer. 

Claudia Cavadas from the University of Coimbra told New Scientist: “If your skin is getting older, you are getting older inside, so be careful.”

Of course, there are plenty of things you can do to delay deepset lines. The BDA recommends having a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, zinc, omega-3 fats, and selenium. It is also essential to drink plenty of water, reduce alcohol intake and cigarettes, and limit exposure to sunlight. 

Moisturisers are well worth using, although there is little evidence they reverse the signs of ageing. Therefore, if you want to get rid of already existing lines, it is worth booking wrinkle relaxing injections in Wheat Hampstead, as this could help your skin keep you looking and feeling younger for longer.