It seems that not everyone knows what Facial Aesthetics are, and before doing some research, I must confess that I didn’t really know that much about the subject either.

According to the dictionary Aestheticsare relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty, or showing great beauty.

When it comes to facial aesthetics, it might be more informative to say facial rejuvenation, but, whichever term you use, it involves addressing key concerns about the face, including loss of volume, fine lines or wrinkles. In broad terms, it’s the use of non-surgical treatments such as dermal fillers, lip fillers and wrinkle reduction to reduce the signs of ageing or enhance specific areas of the face for a more youthful complexion.

The natural ageing process, lifestyle factors, like smoking and other environmental factors probably all contribute to unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and uneven skin tones.

The various treatments available are used to give people a more youthful and radiant appearance. The treatments which include Botox and Dermal Fillers can soften wrinkles, contour the face and define certain facial features.


Botox involves injecting a natural substance which relaxes muscles and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Dermal fillers seem to be a popular treatment used because they offer good results without the need for surgical intervention. The results are achieved by non-invasive techniques, with no risks or secondary effects.

Aftercare depends on the procedure undertaken, but in comparison to surgical procedures for facial rejuvenation such as a facelift, recovery time is much faster. Usually, patients can return to normal activity on the same day or the day after the procedure.

MiniMagazines spoke to Dr Prasanta Banerjee who has provided Facial Aesthetic treatments locally since 2021 to find out more about the services that he provides. Dr Banerjee is a fully trained dentist that has been practicing since 2001. He went on to complete vocational training and general professional training including various courses in facial aesthetics. He is dedicated and is continuously developing his professional training across these fields.

Dr Banerjee has a unique approach to non-invasive facial rejuvenation. He combines nutrition, topical daily skin care, preventive measures and non-invasive rejuvenation technique to get the best results. He explained: “I provide the use of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers along with chemical skin peels, with and without local anaesthetic.” Treatments along with consultations take around 30 mins and whilst clients can have a series of treatments, the effects of the treatment in some cases can be seen immediately or after 48 hours.

All treatments are carried out in a safe, clinical and relaxed environment in his treatment rooms in Leasey Dell, Wheathampstead. MiniMagazines asked Dr Banerjee what he likes about his work and he said: “I find the artistic flare in the work that I do; keeps me focussed and the satisfaction that I feel after seeing someone happy after their treatment is fantastic.”